Friday, July 2, 2010

Death and Taxes

The former is what we wish for Yoon's, the latter being the latest matter of interest in our downward spiral with them.

Before we left work tonight, we quickly asked Montana what he had found out about our pension.  To remind you, we get reimbursed for the Korean pension we pay here because the US and Korean governments have an agreement.  So, we just wanted to make sure that Yoon's had been paying their half and that there wasn't anything else that we needed to know before filing for our reimbursement.  But, when we asked Montana if he had any information for us he said that he had talked to Julia and she said that there was nothing we could do, that because we're leaving Korea we will not be able to get our money back.

We told Montana very firmly that this is not true.  Then we clarified that Yoon's had been paying their part and Montana insisted they had.  So, we're going to the file the paperwork as soon as possible.  We won't be able to get any money back until our last paycheck is issued (because that's when our last payment will go to the National Pension Scheme), but we want to make sure everything is good to go before we leave.  Click here for Korea4Expats' explanation of the pension scheme.


  1. If there is a problem, would you take it up with the American Embassy? You are smart to do this right now, so you can deal with whatever comes up.

    Hopefully they did what they were suppose to do.

  2. Much thanks to you for giving such significant information.Thank you for taking the time to explain this.
